Adding and Maintaining Constants

Constant can be used in your estimate if you have a value (for instance, an hourly wage rate) that is used in various places, and that you might want to change in the entire estimate. Rather than searching for every instance of that value in the estimate, you simply change the value of the constant. Any numeric field that is not a calculated field supports the use of constants. Constants are specific to a single estimate, unless they are saved in a template, in which case each estimate started with that template will have those constants.









While working in the Content Page, click on the Home tab, and then on the Constants button.



In the Constants dialogue box, click on Add.


In the Name field, enter a name for the constant and hit enter.


In the Value field, enter the value for the constant and hit enter.



Click on OK and the constant list will be updated and saved.


To use a constant in your estimate, place the cursor in the column where you want to use the constant, and start typing the name the constant. In the picture above we have a constant for the Carpenter’s wage and in this picture you can see that a “c” was typed and the suggested constant (those that match what you typed) will pop up. Click on it to use it.



Constants can also be entered “on the fly” simply by typing a word in any field that SIgma is expecting a number.



For example, in the Unit Cost column type Electrician and hit enter.



The window that opens lets you assign a value to the constant.


click on Create Constant and it will be saved to the estimate.


Opening the Constants window by clicking on the Constants button will also tell you how many times a constant is used in the estimate, and by double clicking on one of the instances Sigma will take you to that line in the estimate.

